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8 fl. oz. (236ml) Plastic Bottle Foaming bath gel Burn our candle in our honor and each of us shall go to our heavenly father in your behalf. You shall be blessed with material prosperity. We shall protect you from any evil and all harm that would ca…
Bath Wash Come to Me 32oz (946ml) 700-113 Use this bath daily to bring the person you want to you.
Bath Wash Job 32oz (946ml) 700-445 Have you lost your job? Do you look for a job and can't get one? Bathe daily with this bath to get a job fast. Use with lots of faith.
Bath Wash Submissive 32oz (946ml) 700-049 Use this bath to keep your mate submissive and always ready to do what you ask of him.
16 fl. oz. (472ml) Plastic Bottle Used to destroy evil and kill all jinxes. Pour 1/4 bottle in your bath and bathe daily for 7 days or until your luck begins to change.
16oz (472ml) Plastic Bottle Used to attract money and success. Mr. Money Bubble Bath brings you luck in money, love and the lottery. Just add 1/4 of the bottle to your bath for 7 days until you start to see results.
Anna Riva 7 Holy Spirit Hyssop Bath Oil. Use this bath to bless and protect yourself from all evil and those who wish to harm you. 8 fl. oz.
Anna Riva Big John Money Drawing dream bath oil with gold glitter. 2 fl. oz.
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