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Pentagram Altar/Tarot Cloth
Psychic Oils and Psychic Oils Gold Lable
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1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Use for good fortune and money.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Use oil to gain power for others to bend over to you.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Used for breaking up a man or woman or that certain situation that is bothering you.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Used for protection and chastity.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Ease your way through the justice system by wearing this as your perfume whenever you are consulting with attorneys or going into court before a judge or jury.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Use for fortune, love, success, health, wealth, power and spiritual power.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle A sacred oil for blessing altars, candles and talismans. This will remove any negative vibrations you may have surrounding you.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Place under the shoes, or in the path of an unwelcome neighbor who will soon become dissatisfied with their home and will decide to make their home elsewhere.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle Use to anoint lodestones or to wear as an oil to develop good fortune and to change bad luck to good.
1 fl. oz. (29ml) Glass Bottle This is a formula which can activate inborn clairvoyant powers so that this gift can be developed to one's full potential.
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